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Flexible funding needed?

Ad-hoc grants

This channel allows EB Resnet and its potential grantholders to remain flexible and to respond in a timely manner to opportunities that arise, such as co-funding options, immediate need for funds, novel project ideas, or proof-of-concept projects.

Academic researchers, clinicians and also industry may approach EB Resnet outside the scheduled research-proposal calls if there is an urgent need or a co-funding opportunity arises. This funding channel is usually only available while no research grant call is open. For example, an international or national funding scheme, a company or another patient group may offer funding schemes that also invite co-funding. Proposals more appropriate to scheduled research grant calls or industry co-funding, will be redirected.

Project scope 'Ad-hoc grants'

  • Fundamental to clinical research projects in EB
  • Funding/co-funding to respond to opportunities arising in fundamental to clinical research or proof-of-concept projects in EB (including databased initiatives and studies)
  • Lead applicant: researchers, clinicians, and/or industry partners (cooperation with industry welcome and possible)
  • Project duration: 6 - 36 months
  • Funding: up to EUR 90,000.00 p.a.

We are looking for projects that address these unmet medical needs in EB:

  • Chronic inflammation and fibrosis
  • Pain
  • Itch
  • Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC)

In addition this scheme welcomes data-led initiatives supporting fundamental to clinical research projects in EB.

Application process Ad-hoc grants

The application process has two steps and is open only on invitation after successful evaluation of an Expression of Interest (EOI) Proposal. Informal application is done via a letter of interest (LOI) to As soon as you are invited to submit a project, EB Resnet usually allows 8-10 weeks for submission (exact deadline will be communicated). Received applications will be then subject to external peer review. Decisions on funding applications will usually be made within 6 months after submission deadline.

You will be informed whether your project fits into our funding scheme and if so, sent a link to our Grant Management online Application form.

General information: application and funding process

Funded ad-hoc grants

Ad-hoc grants


Project lead



Duration Research area EB-type Funder(s)
Ad-hoc 2024/1

Prof Jemima Mellerio

Projectdetails (PEBLES 3)

Kings College London, UK

12 months

EB genetics, epigenetics

& biology


LifeArc contracted by

DEBRA Austria

Ad-hoc 2023/1

Prof Gudrun Salamon

BUR-EB Austria

Sigmund Freud University Vienna,


24 months Observational study all types DEBRA Austria
Ad-hoc 2022/2

Prof Jemima Mellerio

Projectdetails (PEBLES 2)

St. John's Institute of Dermatology &

Guy's and St Thomas, UK

21 months

EB genetics, epigenetics

& biology

Ad-hoc 2022/1

Prof John Connelly

Projectdetails (Connelly 1)

Queen Mary University 
of London, UK
9 months

EB genetics, epigenetics

& biology

Ad-hoc 2021/2

Dr. Ulrich Koller

Projectdetails (Koller 1)

EB House Austria, Salzburg, Austria 3 years

Molecular therapy &

cellular therapy

Ad-hoc 2021/1

Dr. Gudrun Salamon

Projectdetails (Salamon 2)

Siegmund Freud University Vienna 2 years Psychology all DEBRA Austria
Ad-hoc 2020/2

Dr. Mattew Caley

Projectdetails (Caley 1)

Queen Mary University London, UK 2 years Small molecules Junctional

DEBRA Austria

LifeArc Philantrophic Fund (UK)

Ad-hoc 2020/1

Prof. Dennis Roop,

Dr. Ganna Bilousova

Projectdetails (Roop4/Vlinderkidje)

University of Colorado, Denver,


3 years




DEBRA Austria

Vlinderkindje (B)

Ad-hoc 2019/1

Dr. Thomas Magin

Projectdetails (Magin 4)

University of Leipzig, Germany

1 year

Fever in EB



DEBRA Austria

Tove Bruce (Sweden)

Ad-hoc 2019/2

DDr. Gudrun Salamon

Projectdetails (Salamon 1)

Sigmund Freud University, Austria

18 months

+1 months Extension

Quality of life,





DEBRA Austria
Ad-hoc 2017/1

Dr. Alexander Nyström,

Dr. Leena Bruckner-Tuderman

University of Freiburg - Medical Center,

Departement of Dermatology, Germany

1 year



Dystrophic DEBRA Austria
Ad-hoc 2016/1 Prof. Dennis Roop

University of Colorado, Denver,


2 years Preclinical Simplex

DEBRA Austria

Vlinderkindje (B)


Contact for Ad-hoc grants

Portraitfoto Gaston Sendin

Gaston Sendin, PhD

Head of Research
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