All Priorities Call 2021: Expert Panel meeting again online
In search of the best research projects for EB patients worldwide
The All Priorities Call 2021 opened in June 2021. EB Resnet's member DEBRA Austria coordinated the comprehensive peer review process for all project proposals.
Traditionally, the Medical and Scientific Advisory Panel (MSAP) – our Expert panel, consisting of experienced EB experts, meets in person to discuss the projects and make a final funding recommendation. Also, this year, the Corona Pandemic kept us virtually closing the international funding round. On December 14, MSAP met to discuss 14 project proposals for the final round. The project proposals came from South America, the U.S., Europe, and Australia and showed a vast diversity of research. For example, there were proposals for EB registries, projects in wound healing, and drug repurposing.
The two co-chairs, Prof. John Marshall (Queen Mary University of London) and Prof. Thomas Magin (University of Leipzig) moderated the scientific discussion in close collaboration with Dr. Gaston Sandin (DEBRA Austria's research manager). At the meeting, one project was awarded the international funding level. 4 other project applications reached the national funding status. All applicants will receive a comprehensive list of recommendations for improving the project applications, which the experts discussed. DEBRA Austria will coordinate the concrete financial support with all EB Resnet members in the following weeks. DEBRA Austria has already confirmed to provide research funding when opening the grant round.
Besides DEBRA Austria, representatives of the following DEBRA groups were also present: DEBRA France, DEBRA Spain, and DEBRA Ireland. Many thanks for your participation.
The MSAP members advise DEBRAs and the EB Resnet voluntarily and free of charge. As a special thank you, DEBRA Austria sent the Sacher Artists' Collection to all members to thank you for their valuable commitment with a piece of Vienna.